From Mothers For the Earth and Babies
dari Bunda untuk Bumi dan Bayi
We need the Ocean,
We love the sea.
But we know
they’re in trouble,
which means
We are too.
of plastic founds in rivers / main water source are single use diapers.
Million Tons
Single-use diapers waste produce annually.
of baby expenses go towards single used diapers.
and Antibiotic resistance are increased and the risk of cholera, hapatitis A, and typhoid.
Reduce and Reuse.
Switching from Single Used Diapers Usage to Reusable Diapers.
>10,000 babies reached
>10,000,000 single-use diapers avoided
>2,400 tons of plastic waste/ 11,000 tons of CO2 emissions avoided
Bumbi saved families 50% - 75% in expenses,
or approximately 2.7 million - 3.8 million IDR per baby annually,
Social Return on Investment (SROI):Combined savings for families and producers: > $1,000,000.
Over 90% of babies free from diaper rash.
Over 98% of babies free from urinary infections.
Save $193 per baby each year, or up to $54 million in family savings from switching to reusable diapers
Empower >600 Women and Disabled for being seamstresses, >300 health workers for being resellers
Creating Total $57 million economic benefits to Indonesia
Avoiding 350.000 tonnes Emission CO2 Emission
Avoiding > 345 millions Single-Used Diapers or 78,000 tonnes plastic waste thrown into Rivers (main water source) and Oceans
Served over 4,000 babies from low-income families, reflecting our commitment to supporting those in need.
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